Wednesday, May 17, 2017

About Those Glittery Shoes

Yup. This is a thing that I'm going to do. 

I think that I've come to the conclusion that I like the idea of running half marathons more than I like training for half marathons. 

Maybe because, more so in spring and summer, there is other stuff around the house that I'd rather do (note all of the garden posts lately), and the weather can be iffy. Rain is still my dealbreaker, of course. 

But a Princess Half? The Princess Half? 

That I've been looking forward to since I started running, and since I got the dimwitted idea in my head about doing half marathons. 

It sounded like such a fun time, and their cutoff time is a much more forgiving 16-minute mile than Pittsburgh's 14-minute mile. I maintained sub-13 for the half, and expect to do even better at Presque Isle in July (and thus get the proof of time for a sub 2:45 total) -- but what I like about 16 is a) the recognition that I'm going to probably be faster than more people, and b) the understanding that if it really, really sucks, I can just walk most of it and I'll still be fine.

Especially since the Dietitian says it's flatter than Pittsburgh, and indeed, looking at an elevation map confirms that with some minor elevation changes, it's almost entirely flat. (Yes, I still fact check her.) Flat, I can do.

Flat, with a tutu, I can especially do. 

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