Friday, May 5, 2017

The Top 10 Things Going Through My Head Before Sunday

Sunday is my first half marathon. 

I am simultaneously in denial, and excited about this. A mix of both. I think. Especially considering I'm not really a runner. 

Here's what I'm thinking right now.

1. Oh shit. I, like, have to do this now.

2. Right. I can do this. I've trained for this. I am SuperWoman. I can do this. 

3. I do 10 miles easily in training. That's what "people" say you're supposed to cap out at (when the PT and my GP confirm what Dietitian says, I'm inclined to think that the three people are right). 

4. So I can do this. It's only an additional three miles. A 5K. Which I do for fun for weekday training runs. Well, maybe not "fun" but I do them with good times. 

5. What if other people mock me for doing Galloway? The marathon recommends it, but people can suck sometimes. 

6. I've got this. I've got pretty shoes, and cute gear. Feet, I know you're going to hurt, with that whole running 13.1 miles on a broken toe and all, but feet, don't fail me now.

7. Shit. What if it rains? The forecast says it's going to rain. I need a jacket. I hate rain. 

8. I am so not a runner. I'm in Corral D. I'm just a poser. That explains why the big time gap between when the course closes, and the maximum cutoff time. But even with that, unless people start damn slow, I should still be fine. 

9. I. Can. Do. This. I'm faster than the maximum time on training runs, and supposedly adrenaline is supposed to make you run faster. 

10. Parking. OK. Hope the road closures aren't awful. Park the car, and then run. I've got this.

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